
cy G1sB Genesis CE

Κατασκευαστής: Aviomania Aircraft
Διεύθυνση: 2, Agias Lavras Street, Dromolaxia, 7020, Larnaca
Δικτυακός τόπος: https://www.aviomania.com/g1sb-genesis-ce/
αριθμός θέσεων: 1
μηχανή: Rotax 582 UL
κινήσεις κινητήρα: 2
θόλος: open
μέγιστο βάρος απογείωσης (kg): 350
κενό βάρος (kg): 168
μέγιστη ταχύτητα (μίλια/ώρα): 105
τύπος άμαξας: wheels

The G1sB “Genesis CE” is identical as the G1sa kit built model but with some upgrades in appearance and construction. The G1sa has been flying since 2007 with more than 250 hours on the prototype in aggressive testing (check some of our videos in “Gallery” section). Many Genesis gyros have been produced so far and all pilots are happy not only with stability and safety but also with its performance and maneuverability. It has been described by some as the “Formula 1 of the sky”. Reports can be found on www.rotaryforum.com (Search for AVIOMANIA).
The bolt on construction is VERY strong. Most Gyroplanes have a single tube or 2 tubes welded on top of each other in front of the mast to support the pilot and nose wheel. The “Genesis CE” uses a TRIANGULATED construction (3 tubes forming a pyramid). That is as light but offers much better pilot protection in the event of an accident. This is far superior to what is commonly used on other gyroplanes .The bolted frame is also easily repaired whereas with welded construction the complete frame has to be replaced. The materials and methods used for our structures have been around for many decades and have proved to be very reliable, durable in service and crack and corrosion-free. The design is perfectly balanced with the engine thrust line passing through the center of mass .The tail section is designed to offer great dynamic stability and engine torque compensation, making this gyroplane one of the easiest and safest to fly. Aggressive engine power changes have no effect on roll, pitch or yaw. Changing power will result in a gentle attitude change to maintain trim speed. The controls are crisp, responsive and very light.