Help and FAQ's
Our mission is a community lead multilingual site dedicated the evangelisation of gyrocopter/gyroplane flying.
If you are a gyro-pilot you are most welcome to join us please create an account and profile for FREE, so that you can appear along with your fellow pilots in the world directory
Verified members enjoy an ever growing set of features:
Ability to connect with other pilots
Create flight stories with the slick online editor. These will appear on our world route map for everyone to enjoy
Instructors can also create a page of your school/club which will appear in the schools directory
Real-time flight recording tool downloadable as a Web Application onto your GPS enabled device (phone or tablet)
More details on these features are given in the sections below
Record your journey and share your real-time location
Record your journey and share your real-time location Flight Recorder App just released!
You can now use your GPS enabled mobile phone to automatically record your flight into your account, use it to create your stories, and share your real-time location with your buddies!
The major feature is that it works in the background, even when you switch off the screen! So you can happily run it in conjunction with your favourite navigation app in the foreground (eg SkyDemon,etc)
Import your routes files from SkyDemon or similar apps
Import your routes files from SkyDemon or similar apps continues to receive new features!
You are now able to import and your routes from kml files into your account. The feature is available on your track manager in your account. Upload and view them directly on the track manager via the inbuilt viewer.
The track manager is also where your journeys that you record using the App as explained above.
View your routes on Google Earth!
View your routes on Google Earth!
From the track manager you can also export these flights as a file that can be viewed in Google earth
Notifications and alerts
Notifications and alerts
Be notified when other members go flying or post stories continues to gain new features to foster collaboration and engagement among its members.
Verified members will see on the profile page of each other member a couple of "follow" buttons
Switching these on will allow the system to send you an email when this member goes flying or creates a story.
You can view and manage all these notifications also from your notifications panel.
Alerting your friends (and not just members)
In the notifications panel you can also add email addresses of your friends and family who will be notified when you create a story or go flying. They will receive an email redirecting them to the live tracker page showing your real-time location.